On this page, you will find the information I have researched over the years. If you read “My Mystery Illness Story” on the About page, you will have noticed I have been dealing with health issues for quite some time. During that time, I have researched a lot of information to improve my own well-being. I will be writing all about it here!

The information on this page (and website) has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. I do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or having a medical condition.

Blood Work For Mystery Illnesses

If you have been to the Dr. many times, and regular blood labs always show normal, you may want to ask for these as well. The problem with mystery illnesses is more times than not your metabolic panel, and other typical blood work will not show anything unusual. If all of your blood work comes…

Apple Cider Vinegar Home Remedies!

Apple cider vinegar has many uses. The reason it cleans well is because of the antibacterial properties in it. People also like to use it in cooking and foods to enhance marinade’s, dressings, and to preserve foods. Did you know that it can also be used as a natural medicine? I personally have used it…

Why I love Jordan Essentials

I fell in love with Jordan Essential products after they completely healed my Keratosis pilaris, also known as chicken skin! They are hard bumps that form on the back of your arms, upper thighs, or face. Mine have always been on the back of my arms and my upper thighs. I have dealt with this…

“Health Alert” Erythritol & Heart Attacks!

I felt I needed to get this blog out right away! It just came to my attention about a study that came out in February of 2023. It connected erythritol sweetener (a sugar alcohol) to blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. It was published in Nature Medicine. It would be an understatement to say this…

“URGENT” Canada Smoke Warning

For most of the 2023 summer the Unites States has been dealing with the smoke from the Canadian wild fires! In fact, New York made the headlines when the smoke saturated the entire city. We have also heard bits and pieces of it heavily affecting some of the other Northern States. What we have not…

Vitamin D Deficiency

One very important nutrient that we need is vitamin D. In this blog, I will discuss vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. Did you know that in the Unites States alone, a conservative level of 35% of the adult population has a vitamin D deficiency? This does not take into account children or people who have not…

Tea Tree Essential Oil Benefits

This is my favorite essential oil. To me, it is the King of all essential oils! This is my personal opinion because it has helped my family so much with its healing abilities. I will tell you all the different ways it has helped me and how I use it. First, I want to briefly…

Essential Oil Steam Bath

I was going to wait to blog about this until the fall, but I recently needed to do this treatment myself. The smoke from the Canadian fires reached where we lived, and it caused me to get bronchitis. This was very unusual because I have never gotten bronchitis before from smoke. I do have mild…

Whats Up With Wheat & Gluten?

This is a controversial topic, but I am going to discuss it anyway. It’s personal because my daughter in law has dealt with celiac disease, and I have seen how it can negatively affect someone’s health. According to statistics, about 1% of the U.S. population has been diagnosed with celiac disease. About 6% has been…

Thyroid Conditions

            Okay ladies, listen up! Although men can certainly develop a thyroid condition, women are five to eight times more likely to develop a problem. Why is this? Other than the medical community believing that graves disease can be genetic, they don’t have a lot of answers for the many other thyroid conditions people suffer…

EBV (Epstein-Barr virus)

What is this? Most of us have not ever heard about this virus before. Is it bad, can it hurt us? The answers to those questions are: yes, it can be bad, and yes, it can hurt us. It is a virus that statistically 90% to 95% of adults worldwide already have in their bodies.…


Biofilms is not something we usually think about. In fact, most people have probably never heard of this term before. A simple way to explain this is dental plaque. The plaque that forms on our teeth that causes cavities is a biofilm. Some people may have also heard of biofilms forming on medical implants used…

Candida Yeast Overgrowth

Yeast is something we think of as being in breads, beer, wine, and other foods and drinks we consume. However, there is a type of yeast/fungus called Candida that naturally lives in our bodies, and it is a part of the microbiome in our digestive system. The main purpose of this yeast/fungus is to aid…

Health Information

An apple a day keeps the Dr. away! It would be nice if that were the case. Although I think apples are amazing and full of nutrients, there is a little more to it than that. I have had to research my own health conditions because explanations simply were not given to me. I am…