Would you like to walk along with me on your health journey? I have so much to tell you about my own health, and I can’t wait to help you with yours. I am starting this blog for any reader that has health issues or has friends & family that do. It’s for anyone who has gone to several doctors only to be told different things and left frustrated and confused. 

I don’t have all the answers, and I am still on my own journey. However, I have learned some really important things that have helped me. My goal is to help you find your puzzle pieces. I want you to know you are not alone.
I will be here to help you through encouraging words and scripture from the Bible. My journey has very much involved my faith in Jesus Christ, and He truly is the one who has helped me get through everything.
If you don’t share my faith, that’s okay! I would encourage you to follow along with me.

My health journey has been a long 20 + years. I will share what I have learned during that time. I have personally spent many, many hours researching different ways to improve my own well-being.   
My goal is to make this blog an easy way for you to get important information and encouragement in one place. I will post links to sources and make it easy for you to get as much knowledge as possible. 

Getting Ready To Study Drinking Tea

Hosea 4:6,  “For my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

How true this is my friends! Good people are suffering and dying, in many cases, because they are missing the knowledge to help them get well. One thing I have learned while walking through my own health journey is that no one person knows everything. This means you may have to work with several health care practitioners. It may also mean you will need to do some of your own research. We have the internet now, and you can find many reputable studies and articles that can help you in your research. You can always discuss what you have learned with your health care provider to try to come up with better ways you can regain your health. If you are an individual with more serious health issues, you are your own advocate! Gone are the days that we can go to a family practitioner to meet all of our health needs. I am still working on my puzzle, but by the grace of God, I have found some important pieces to help restore my health. So come take a walk with me on our health journey together!

All scripture will be out of NKJV unless otherwise noted.

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